To the flowers of my heart: My FriendsI have been watching in recent weeks the Maple trees across the way drift into the most beautiful shades of orange and red, behind them the tall slender beauty of the towering Aspen their leaves changing from green to gold in recents days.
And the great Oak out front also begins to drift into sweet slumbering of winter as the leaves change and drift in spirals and swirls to blanket the Earth.
The rains have come to the valley at last the soft gray skies are embracing the day. I stood in the yard this morning as I left for work and welcomed the soft kiss of rain drops on my face, breathed in the cool refreshing smell of rain in the trees and on the ground. My spirit dancing in the pure beauty and magic of it.
My spirit and heart are out dancing shoeless and lightly clothed somewhere off in the beautiful wilderness and content to be playing with raindrops, falling leaves, rolling clouds and whispering winds.
Spiral dancing with life. Isn’t life just amazing. I want to send and write a Blessing for you just something I like to do. Everything with my own little twist and flare, it’s sort of like those little notes you leave in the pockets of someone you care for during the day they stick their hand in their pocket and find this little note something simple usually like “I’m thinking of you”, “You’re my best friend”, there are a few others but those are (sh-sh) more private. But they make you smile or just laugh out loud and feel good all over.
Your virtual note in your pocket.
There is a chant that goes:
Earth my Body
Water my Blood
Air my Breath
Fire my Spirit
Using this for the bases here is the Blessing:
With the Earth’s strength and foundation for life,may you stand always strong of heart,mind, body andsoul.
With the Water’s flow of motions and actions,may you move through life even in the rushing androckiest of times safe, happy and wisely.
With Air’s breath of life, may your soul be Eternally filledand may you always hear the song of your heart, soul and theworld and may it always dance with in you.
With the Fire of your Spirit may you always be true to who you are, free and open to the magic and beauty of life and your blessed place in it.
Love and Light Embrace You