Twelve Blessings of Yule
In the darkness we often find our greatest light of humanity it allows us to see, hear and know the world even in the darkness.
This time of year humanity is part of an eternal transition we can see clearly the past, the present and the future it shines out as a beacon leading us on ward. Undestoryed, unbound and undying the inner light of humanity The Heart.
From the darkness returns light, warmth from the cold, abundance from want, great joy from deep sorrow and life from death.
1st May your life be blessed with encouragement , may the messages of your dreams be realized.
2nd May you find your light and life through the darkness.
3rd May you have the courage to go beyond in spite of fears.
4th May you find your own Truth.
5th May you know the pride of holding your head high for your standards to live according to them.
6th May you remain loyal to who you are and what you are.
7th May you find your place forever by the hearth we are family for all who cross the threshold in heart, mind, body or soul to find peace in times of turmoil, warmth from the cold, fill from hunger, joy from sorrow and rest from weariness.
8th May you stay true to your ideas of life, to your beliefs and your people.
9th May you be rewarded for doing the best you can.
10th May your happiness and success be determined by your own hand.
11th May you never stop trying and realize failure comes only from not trying and success from defeating failure.
12th May you always remember where you came from reclaim where you are and give rebirth to where you want to be.
Light of Winter Solstice embrace you.
Chyneua Chan Aeafa Alban Chofleidia 'ch.